The visions that Nostradamus received were from a subtle fire spirit and a voice that seemed to be emanating from limbo. Those voices and visions were often fragmentary, they were concerning events which he was often incapable of comprehending. He wrote what he saw in his visions in four-line rhymes that he has labelled quatrains.

So obscure were some of those quatrains that very few people could understand them. For example : quatrain 35 of century one was a quatrain concerning the King of France, Henry II. It was in effect saying that the king was to die during the event of a fun tournament on the playing fields. Hearing of Nostradamus' prediction, the king summoned him. He was to present himself immediately.

The King asked Nostradamus to explain himself, he said that it was a ridiculous prediction since he had no intention of ever entering into a fun tournament on the playing field. Michel told the king that he only wrote what he saw and heard in his nightly visions.

Some time later, having forgotten about the prediction, the king entered into a fun tournament. His adversary was a tournament champion by the name of Count Gabriel de Montgomery, the Captain of the Scottish guard.

Le Lion jeune Le vieux surmontera,
En champ bellique par singulier duelle,
Dans cage d'or l'oeil il lui crevera,
Deux plays une puis mourir mort cruelle.
Century 1 quatrain 35

The young Lion shall overcome the older one,
In a single duel on the playing field,
shall pierce his eye inside of his golden helmet,
two tries (meaning two attempts), then one more of which
he dies a very cruel death.

The King of France, Henry II, died in a fun tournament at the hands of the Earl of Montgomery. He died exactly as predicted by the great clairvoyant. The Earl of Montgomery was then banished to the country because he had accidentally killed the king of France in that sporting duel. He then began reading religious material which eventually led him to join the Protestant movement.

Later on in history, he decided to become a member of Conde's army. Sometime later, the queen had him captured in Normandy while he was asleep and unable to utilize his sword to defend himself. He was taken to Paris on the queen's orders and he was brought to an unfair trial. He was tried in a french court, by those who were under the queen's orders. He was then sentenced by them to be executed on the french guillotine.

In one of his famous quatrains, the great Seer had predicted that unfortunate happening for the Earl of Montgomery.

Celuy qu'en luitte et fer au fait bellique,
Aura porte plus grand que luy Le prix,
De nuit au lit six luy feront la pique,
Nud sans harnois subit sera surprins.
Century 3 : 30

He who is his armour had fought a duel on the playing field,
Had fought someone greater than himself and won,
While asleep, in his bed at night, will be taken by six opponents,
Naked in his bed, and without his sword, He was surprisingly taken away.

Feront la pique is an old French expression, which means to get caught. It does not mean to be stabbed. Harnois is another French word and its meaning is sword holder or sword container.

The great clairvoyant often utilized symbolic language in his writings, therefore many of his quatrains can only be understood symbolically. For example: King Henry II fought a duel in a golden cage according to Nostradamus. In his vision, he probably saw the King wearing a suit of armour, which had been well polished and which glistened in the sun as if it was made out of gold. So he described that suit of armour as a cage of gold.

That great wise man also wrote many quatrains pertaining to the history of France. He predicted the French revolution of 1789, two hundred and forty years before it actually took place. Let us review the following quatrain which is very symbolic and which pertains to the chaos that was caused by the french revolution.

Avant conflit Le grand mur tombera,
Le grand a mort, mort trop subite et plainte,
Nef imparfaict la plus part nagera,
Aupres du fleuve de sang la terre tainte.
Century 2 quatrain 57

Before the great conflict (revolution) the existing order shall fail,
The great one (the King) shall be put to death, a very sudden and moaning death,
The boat being in a state of disrepair; most will be forced to swim,
Near the seaway the earth shall be covered with blood.

It is a very symbolic quatrain, the boat (Nef imparfait) and the great wall (Le mur) represents the political system. I am certain that most of you have often heard another expression which says, "Don't rock the boat", meaning do not try to change things. The meaning of 'Most will be forced to swim' may mean that most people would have to fend for themselves during the chaos caused by the french revolution.

A seaway (fleuve) is a river that normally exits in the ocean. The quatrain seems to be a reference to the people of Paris. The seaway mentioned may be a reference to the Seine River which flows through Paris and which exits as a seaway into the Atlantic Ocean. Thus, the quatrain could be a reference to the people of Paris who suffered greatly during the French revolution.

It has been estimated that the most unusual historical clairvoyant wrote many quatrains concerning that crucial period of the history of France. The following symbolic quatrains seems to be saying that after the french revolution the people of France would begin to breathe easier, meaning that they would begin to take things easier not having to worry about losing their lives in that conflict.

Celuy qui lors portera les nouvelles,
Apres un peu il viendra respirer,
Vivers, Tournon, Monferrant et Pradelles,
Gresle et tempets, les fera soupirer.
Century 1 quatrain 66

To the one which shall carry the news,
After a little while he shall begin to breathe easier,
At Vivers, Tournon, Monferrant and Pradelles,
After the great tempest, they shall also begin to take things easier.

The above quatrain may be attempting to tell us that, after the French revolution, the people of France would start to breathe easier. In other words, they could stop worrying about the possibility of losing their lives in that horrible conflict. Most places mentioned in the quatrain are located in France with the exception of Vivers which is located in Spain. The meaning of the prophecy could very well be that after the great tempest, that is after the revolution which took place in the Paris area, the people of France as far away as Spain could also begin to take things easier. In other words, they could stop worrying about losing their lives in that terrible happening.

In many of his quatrains, the famous wise man described places he knew nothing about at the time. Many of the mentioned emplacements did not even exist in those days. The following quatrain seems to belong to the twenty of June 1791 when the King's palace was attacked by a band of five hundred marauders armed with swords.

La porte solus mary sera mittre,
Retour conflict passera sur la tuille;
Par cinq cens un trahye sera tiltre,
Narbon et Saulce par coutaux avons d'huille.
Century 9 quatrain 34

The husband and his wife who shall wear the crown,
Will be involved in another conflict passing over the area with the tiles;
An attack on him and his title shall be made by 500 (Marauders),
At Narbon and Saulce obtaining cooking oil by the use of the sword.

Once the connecting words are re-inserted again, the quatrain becomes much more meaningful. The great clairvoyant had removed those connecting words so that he could hide the true meaning of the prophecy. It is a wonderful quatrain.

Upon reviewing it, we find that the word Mittre is an anagram of Mitre which means the crowning of a Bishop. In this particular prophecy, Nostradamus utilized the symbolic language of allegory for the word mittre. So, in this instance, mittre means a King wearing a crown. Par cinq cens becomes five hundred. Couteau means blade, knife or a sword. All of those descriptions are befitting descriptions of true events. Let us review the true happenings of June 20, 1791.

During the evening of June 20, 1791, a band of five hundred marauders, armed with swords, decided to attack the Palace of Louis the XVI which had been built well after the death of Nostradamus. The marauders labelled themselves the Marseillais. The palace that they attacked was the Tile Palace which had been built over an old tile-manufacturing site. A new royal garden had also been built over that particular emplacement.

Louis XVI had become the King of France after the death of his grandfather. Four years earlier, in 1770, Louis had married Marie Antoinette who had been the Arch-duchess of Austria and who became his queen on the day that he was crowned. As the order of things began to deteriorate in France, the King and the Royal Family were arrested and taken to Paris as prisoners. They were guarded in the Tuillerie Palace for a period of one year. The King and his wife eventually escaped from the Palace having been helped by certain members of the Catholic church. Louis XV1 and Marie Antoinette were dressed as monks but they were unfortunately caught while running away from the tuillerie palace. They were caught at Varennes, which was a hundred and fifty miles away. They were captured by a newly elected Captain of the French army. The royal prisoners were brought back to Paris and sentenced to be executed on the guillotine by a jury of revolutionaries. The younger son of the Royal couple, the Dauphin, later took the reins of power and became Louis XVII.

There is another remarkable quatrain whereby the great clairvoyant foresaw the King's escape from the tuillerie palace. The King, Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette, escaped from that Palace in 1791. The quatrain also mentions how a newly elected army Captain recaptured them, it also tells us what awaited them on their return to the palace.

The royal couple was brought to trial as ordinary citizens and sentenced to death on the french guillotine. They were sentenced by imbeciles who were revolutionaries, they did not care who lived or who died. They had no respect for rank or titles. All they wanted to do was to revenge themselves against those who were in power at the time and which they disliked immensely.

As a matter of fact, the people of France hated the king and his wife Marie Antoinette with a great passion, although the queen was definitely not guilty of any wrongdoing. The people of France resented seeing the Royal couple live in extreme luxuries while the majority of them lived in poverty.

De nuict viendra par la forest de Reines,
Deux pars Voltorte Herne, la pierre blanche,
Le moine noir en gris dedans Varennes,
Esleu cap. cause tempeste, feu, sang tranche.
Century 9 quatrain 20

By night they shall go through the Reims forest,
The two leaving by utilizing disguises, helped by members of the church (white stone),
Wearing ecclesiastical garb of monks, dressed in grey, (they were seen) entering Varennes,
Caught by a newly elected Captain (who caused) their going to trial (tempest) great harm (fire) their deaths on the guillotine. (blood running)

Marie Antoinette was also condemned to death by a jury composed of revolutionaries. It was the first time in history that French Royalty was judged by a jury chosen amongst the people. The head of Madame d'Avary, the King's mistress, also fell under the knife of the guillotine.

The following quatrain seems to pertain to Marie Antoinette who went to her death at the hands of the ignorant and the uncaring who wanted to do away with royalty.

Par fureur faincte d'esmotion divine,
Sera la femme du grand fort violee;
Judges voulants damner telle doctrine,
Victime au peuple ignorant immolee.
Century 6 : 72

By furore filled with strong emotion,
Shall the rights of the wife of the great one be violated,
Judges wanting to do away with what she represented,
Caused her to die at the hands of the ignorant.

There are two more quatrains pertaining to the king of France and to Marie Antoinette. It would seem that the King of France, Louis XVI, had made many enemies because of his bad attitude which he had in running the affairs of his country. The King had allowed things to go too far. He was not paying any attention to the poor people, there were many of those in those days.

It would also seem that he had a greater interest in his own luxurious living than to rule wisely over his country as a king should. The French revolutionaries caused his downfall from power and then they shamefully put him to death after he attempted to escape from their false justice.

Le trop bon temps, trop de bonte Royale,
Faicts et deffaicts prompt, subit, negligence,
Leger croira faux d'espouse loyale,
Luy mis a mort par sa benevolence.
Century 10 quatrain 43

Times being good, Royalty also being too good,
What has promptly being done will suddenly be undone because of the King's negligence,
The wife of the (king) falsely accused,
Then put to death because of the King's wrong way of doing things.

Nostradamus also wrote a limited number of prophecies in six line rhymes which he labelled Sixains. In the following Sixain, the great Seer refers to Marie Antoinette as a most great lady whose spirit shall enter into the heavenly world after her death. Many people respected Marie Antoinette and many mourned her death, so is Nostradamus telling us.

Books have been written and movies have been made concerning Marie Antoinette but it would seem that none of them have presented the truth. She has been depicted as having had a lover, somebody else beside the King may have loved her or cared for her secretly but she had no lover. The famous wise man would not have labelled her as a most great lady had it been otherwise.

The following sixain tells the truth concerning Marie Antoinette. It says that she was a great lady that was not guilty of any wrongdoings.

Un peu devant ou apprait tres grand Dame,
Son ame au ciel et son corp sous la lame,
De plusieurs gens regrettee sera,
Tous ses parents seront en grand'Tristesse,
Pleur et soupirs d'une Dame en jeunesse,
Et a deux grand deuil delaissera.
Sixain 55

A bit before and after the event the most great lady (the Queen),
Her soul (spirit) will go to heaven after her body is guillotined,
She will be mourned by many people,
All of her family will also mourn her,
Tears and sighs from a young lady (daughter),
And two people shall abandon the long customary mourning.


Nostradamus was a very devout Christian who could foresee evil religious men operating in his own country. Cardinal Richelieu was one of those evil men he had foreseen during his nightly meditations.

The shaven head symbolically represented

Many experts, deciphering the writings of Nostradamus, have stated that the following prophecy belongs to Napoleon the first because of the quote which says the shaven head and of the other quote which mentions 14 years. History has recorded that Napoleon the first did not shave his head completely, he merely cut his long hair to a shorter hair style. As for the fourteen years which are mentioned, it is pure coincidence. The quatrain is most definitely a mention of Cardinal Richelieu.

De la cite marine et tribune,
La teste raze prendra la satrapie;
chasser sordide qui puis sera contraire,
Par quatorze ans tiendra la tyrannie.
Century 7 quatrain 13

From the trading seaport city (Rochelle),
The one with the shaven head (Richelieu) Shall take command of the army,
Driving out all opposition contrary to the existing political system,
For fourteen years shall he tyrannize them.

That particular quatrain mentions a seaport city called Rochelle, located on the western sea coast of France. The second line of the quatrain defines the religious man as a tête razé, which means shaven head. As far as I know, only religious teachers shaved the back of their heads in a full moon style. The quatrain also mentions that the tête razé shall take over this seaport city and then become its ruler after a struggle which lasted for a period of fourteen years as mentioned in line four of the rhyme.

The french word, tribune, represents a high spot. It sometimes represents a fortress. La satrapie represents power given to an army leader. The word sordide represents extreme difficulties. All of those words and their meanings may be found in a good french dictionary.

Who was Cardinal Richelieu?

Cardinal Richelieu was the third of five children. His father had been killed during the siege of Paris, his mother had somehow raised all of the five children on her own. Richelieu had been privileged in his youth and he had somehow managed to obtain a good education. There are two subjects which he had studied real well, philosophy and grammar. Later on in life, he became the author of many books. In 1606, at the age of 21, he was nominated bishop of Lucon by King Henry the IV.

On April 16, 1607, Cardinal de Givry consecrated him as a Bishop in the presence of Pope Paul the V. For many years he meant well and attempted some reforms on many political abuses. He also attempted to convert many Protestants back to Roman Catholicism. However, the evil Richelieu began to play politics and, in 1610, he was named as the Secretary of State for war and foreign Affairs. In 1617, the Queen mother was disgraced and Richelieu also fell and was banished to Blois and then to Avignon.

However, in 1620, he affected a reconciliation with the government. In 1622, through the Queen's influence, he obtained the Cardinal's hat. He became one of the youngest Cardinals in the history of the church, he was only 37 years of age. In April 19,1624, he was admitted to the Council of State. No sooner was he in power that he began to crush the Huguenots and the Protestant movement who had for a long time resisted the French Royal power. The Huguenot's stronghold was located at Rochelle which is a seaport city situated on the Bay of Biscay in France.

Cardinal Richelieu raised an army and laid siege to Rochelle. It was a struggle that lasted for 14 years. The Huguenots received their supplies by sea from England. Richelieu was wise to them, he eventually managed to cut off all of their incoming supplies. After 14 years of struggle, because of famine, the fortifications at Rochelle fell into the hands of the evil Richelieu.

When Religious leaders begin playing politic, they seem to forget God's universal laws and corrupt their own souls in that process. Religious teachers are supposed to teach the people how to live properly, not how to kill one another. They will never learn, will they? Some of them are always the very first to forget that sound principle.

In the next presentation, we shall peruse Nostradamus' letter that was addressed to the King of France, Henry second.

The Epistle to Henry II, King of France, with explanations