This presentation is about to tell us that the biblical flood lasted for a period of
150 days which represents a period of 150 years. According to biblical texts, a day represents a year.
After that time, Genesis tells us that the earth began to dry up. That saying is symbolic and most
probably represents the ending of a flood of events that lasted for a period of 150 of our years.
The time mentioned, 150 (days) years, represents a period of time whereby calamity after calamity
affected a certain continent of the planet. It was probably a war similar to the Christian holy war which
lasted over a hundred years.
It was on the seventh of July that the ark grounded itself on a chain of mountains that were called
Ararat. It is a chain of mountains existing in eastern Turkey and western Iran.
When the waters had increased over the
earth for 150 days, God thought of Noah and all the wild animals and the cattle with him in the ark, and
He made a wind pass over the earth, and the waters began to subside. The springs of the abyss were
stopped up, and so were the windows in the sky; the downpour from the skies was checked. The water
gradually receded from the earth, and by the end of a hundred and fifty days it had disappeared. On the
seventeenth day of the seventh month the ark grounded on a mountain in Ararat. The water continued to
recede until the tenth month, and on the first day of the tenth month the tops of the mountains could be
seen. Genesis 8 : 1 to 8 : 5
The prophecy mentions that the waters, the disastrous events, continued to recede until the month of October of the same year. The people of that continent may have destroyed themselves to the last person. The troubled world (the waters) were becoming calm again. Let us keep in mind that the flood itself lasted for forty years (days) but the total calamitous events lasted for 150 years (days) after which time the world became calm, so says the writings contained in the book of Genesis.
The dove returns to the ark carrying the sign of peace in its
He waited another seven days and again released the dove from the ark. She came back to him in
the evening with a newly plucked olive leaf in her beak. Then Noah knew for certain that the water on the
earth had subsided still further. He waited yet another seven days and release the dove, but she never
came back. And so it came about that, on the first day of the first month of his six hundred and first year,
the water had dried up on the earth, and Noah removed the hatch and looked out of the ark. The surface
of the ground was dry. Genesis 8 : 6 to 8 : 13After forty days Noah opened the trap door
that he had made in the ark, and released a raven to see whether the water had subsided, but the bird
continued flying to and fro until the water on the earth had dried up. Noah waited for seven days, and
then he released a dove from the ark to see whether the water on the earth had subsided further. But the
dove found no place where she could settle, and so she came back to him in the ark, because there was
water over the whole surface of the earth. Noah stretched out his hand, caught her and took her into the
After a flood of disastrous events which lasted for a period of one hundred
and fifty years on a certain continent of our planet, Noah tested the world to see if it was ready for peace.
The symbolic raven represents darkness in the world of man. The raven is black in colour so it can't
possibly represent anything good. So we have to conclude that, in the time of Noah, the people who lived
on a certain continent must have been at war with one another.
Then seven days later, meaning seven years, Noah released a dove but it came back to him which
means that the world was not yet ready for peace. Noah closed the ark again and waited for another
seven years before he released the dove again. This time the dove came back with an olive leaf in its
beak. The dove which carries an olive leave in its beak most probably represents peace because it is
the symbolic sign of peace, even the United Nations utilize that sign. So after all that time, peace finally
reigned on the continent that Noah lived. This is what I meant when I previously said that many biblical
stories are symbolic and have other meanings hidden inside of the literal words.
In the spiritual world where all spiritual entities dwell, communication between themselves is different
than it is in this world. They communicate with one another with the power of thought, utilizing symbols.
Every symbol having its meanings. If we read the writings that we are presently studying, as if we were
spiritual entities, we then become capable of properly understanding those writings.
We also have to remember that these stories were originally given to us by God's prophets who
were animated by the Great Spirit Himself which we have labelled as the Holy Spirit. We also
discovered during our present study that God has at his disposition seven other great spirits who work
closely with Him, in unison, and with one another. If any of God's major prophets had made the statement
to us saying, "I am God", they would have been partially right because they were most certainly animated
by one of God's seven Spirits. In other words, the Holy Spirit of God was always dwelling closely by.
If we continue with our study of the fascinating story of Noah we shall discover other wonderful
answers which are awaiting to be found by those who wish to take the time to search for them.
By the twenty-seventh day of the second
month the whole earth was dry. And God said to Noah, "Come out of the ark, you and your wife, your
sons and their wives. Bring out every living creature that is with you, live things of every kind, bird and
beast and every reptile that moves on the ground, and let swarm over the earth and be fruitful and
increase there." Genesis 8 : 14 to 17
Noah coming out of the ark represents his coming out from his hiding place. Noah came out of hiding with his sons, his wife, and his sons wife and with all of the animals which he had taken with him.
Then Noah built an altar to the Lord. He
took ritually clean beasts and birds of every kind, and offered whole offerings on the altar. When the Lord
smelt the soothing odour, He said within himself, "never again will I curse the ground because of man,
however evil his inclinations may be from his youth upwards. I will never again kill every living creature,
as I have just done. While the earth lasts seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day
and night, shall never cease." Genesis 8 : 20 to 8 : 22
It was on the 27th day of February of the year 601 that Noah was told that it
was time for him to come out of hiding with all of his family and with all of the domesticated animals
which he had taken aboard the ark.
The story says that Noah disembarks from the ark and builds an altar to the Lord. He then takes
ritually clean beasts and offers them to the Lord on his newly built altar. There is something wrong with
that part of the story. If Noah was carrying only a male and a female of every specie aboard the ark, it
means that he is now sacrificing some animals who could become extinct because none of those animals
can reproduce themselves in only forty days. It is another proof that the story of Noah and of the great
flood is symbolic and that it has other greater meanings.
The dove which came back to the ark with an olive leaf in its beak represents that the continent on
which Noah lived had finally found peace after a flood of devastating events. There must have been a
great war which was raging on that continent at that time, a war whereby all the scientifically advanced
people of that continent annihilated one another. The people of that continent went to war amongst
themselves (a civil war) and they annihilated not only each other but their continent as well. Let us say,
for purposes of clarity, that the forces of darkness fought against the forces of light resulting in the
complete annihilation of everyone who lived on that continent..
This story may pertain to the ancient continent of Atlantis which was found many years ago buried
beneath the troubled waters of the Atlantic ocean. Some years ago, part of the continent of Atlantis was
found beneath the waters of the Bimini islands. Until then, we were all under the impression that the
story of that continent was only a myth, we now have proof that the continent of Atlantis actually existed.
It would seem that the people of Atlantis had turned satanic, they had begun utilizing their advanced
scientific skills to destroy one another. It may have been different political factions fighting one another
openly, not only with words but with very advanced scientific weaponry.
During that devastating war in Atlantis, the continent was also destroyed and began to sink beneath
the waters of the Atlantic ocean. So Noah probably rode his ark until it eventually settled on a chain of
mountains called Ararat. Therefore, the story is symbolic and only a certain portion of it is literal. When a
portion of the continent of Atlantis was found, some years ago near the Bimini islands, deep sea divers
found great pyramids like those of ancient Egypt. They found them buried beneath the shifting sands of
those waters, they also found the same type of walls which have already been found in Egypt. Those
walls are perfectly assembled together, exactly like the pieces of a puzzle which is the proof that those
people had very advanced technology.
We now know where the people who built the great pyramids of Egypt came from and who were the
people that built them, they were the survivors of Atlantis. They may have been those who believed in the
teachings of the prophet Noah.
The deep sea divers, working for the Edgar Cayce association, found a grayish crystal shaped like a
ball that was located on the very top of one of the underwater pyramids. They succeeded in removing it.
Some time later some scientists showed the crystal to the world on national television, it was the most
amazing thing that I have ever seen.
The scientist brought a thick iron bar close to the round grayish crystal, the iron bar was
approximately 18 inches long. As he brought the iron bar close to the crystal it seemed that the bar had
bent itself around the crystal, it looked like it was round also. As the scientist removed the bar, which
had been held close to the crystal, it seemed to have regained its original flat shape. It was an amazing
demonstration. That crystal gave us an illusion, it was capable of bending light and possibly absorbing it
During my many years of research, I have also found additional proof that the continent of Atlantis
actually existed. One of God's greatest envoy for our time has written a tablet containing information
which pertains to the continent of Atlantis and thereby giving us proof that the continent once existed.
However, that tablet has not been translated into English yet so it is not possible for me to explain its
content until I get a chance to study its English equivalent. I am attempting to have someone give me a
rough translation which will give me material to work from. Should I be successful, I will add my findings
to this story. I have yet to find anyone who can translate that information but perhaps someone will
eventually step forward.
In this story, God told Noah that He would never allow that such a flood of devastating events ever
happens again. He will never allow that all of the people of one continent ever destroy one another to
the last person. In other words, God will never allow that a similar event ever happens again whereby all
the people who live in a certain area are all destroyed including their earthly continent.
Some years ago, I had a dream in which I saw torrential rains falling upon the location where I was
living at in that dream. The rains kept on coming and the waters kept on rising. Myself and another
person, who I also met in this lifetime, got into a small sailboat and escaped from the area which was
constantly being rained upon. Sometime later, having travelled far into the ocean, we both looked back
and saw that the continent had sunk beneath the waters of the ocean leaving only three small islands.
As we continued our escape into the ocean, we suddenly saw tremendous waves coming towards
us from the direction of the continent, they were probably caused by the capsizing continent. When those
waves reached us, they capsized our small boat and sank it. However, we were able to continue our
escape by swimming away from the collapsing continent. In the dream, I swam until I could feel my body
weakening and could no longer continue. It was then that I blacked out from exhaustion and lost
However, I awakened sometime later and found myself tucked in a bed looking at certain people
which I had no recognition of. They asked me, "Where do you come from?" I tried explaining to them that
I had come from a continent beyond the sea. It would seem that the other man, who had been with me in
the sail boat and who had swam with me in the water, did not survive the ordeal. I never saw him again. I
am under the impression, after having had such a dream which was probably triggered by my research,
that my spirit essence once lived in another shell on the continent of Atlantis. It would also seem that the
shell that my spirit was inhabiting may have been one of the very few who had survived that great
calamitous event. Do not mistake that mentioned event as reincarnation which is an impossibility.
Nobody can possibly return to the same world, having the same personality as before. It is aq known fact
that no one has ever returned under such conditions. It is called the "Return" of the spirit essence and
not of the same personality.
In the following presentation we shall discover that God blessed Noah and established a covenant
with him :