Up! Flee out into broad and open land! "The wise man will rule over planetary influences, Let those who read these verses judge them naturally:Man is a reed, the
weakest in nature,
but he is a thinking reed."
And this book full of mystery,
From Nostradamus' own very hand,
Is it not sufficient company?
The stars' course then you'll understand
and nature, teaching you, will then expand
The power of your soul, has when one spirit
to another speaks.
Faust, act 1, scene 1
which do not necessarily bring their properties to bear upon terrestrial bodies;
but he only influences the latter, because it is possible to protect one-self through prudence
and discretion."
Let the vulgar and stupid rabble not approach them:
And let all Astrologers, fools and barbarians keep away:
May whoever does otherwise be justly accursed.
The following Poem which concerns Nostradamus and God's prophets was
written, in 1557, by Ronsard. He wrote it after the disaster of Saint-Quentin. The following is the English
In brief, he is what he is; so it is that always with the doubtful words of his prophetic
voice, like that of an ancient oracle, he has for many a year predicted the greater part of our destiny. I
would not have believed him, had not Heaven, which assigns good and evil to mankind, been his
RONSARD The following presentation contains information pertaining to the life and the
historical facts concerning the wise man known in history under the name of Nostradamus.
You also mock the prophets
that God chooses amongst your children, and places in the midst of your bosom, in order to predict to
you your future misfortune. But you laugh at them. Perhaps it is the immense eternity of the great God
that has aroused the fervour of Nostradamus. Or perhaps a good or bad demon kindles it. Or perhaps his
spirit is moved by nature, and climbs to the heavens, beyond mortals, and from there repeats to us
prodigious facts. Or perhaps his sombre and melancholy spirit is filled with crass humours, making him