*HEARKEN, O Rulers of America and the Presidents of the Republics therein, give ear unto that which the Dove is warbling on the Branch of Eternity : There is none other God but Me, the Ever-Abiding, the Forgiving, the All-Bountiful...

The Promised One has appeared in this glorified Station, whereat all beings, both seen and unseen, have rejoiced...

O concourse of rulers! Give ear unto that which has been raised from the Dayspring of Grandeur : Verily, there is none other God but Me, the Lord of Utterance, the All-Knowing...

The Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit speaking through His mouthpiece whose name is Baha'u'llah, says that there is no other God but Himself. Sometimes God's Messenger speaks as if He was God and at other times He says we. Meaning God and His Manifestation who is Himself, His representative.


* O the elected representatives of the people in every land! Take counsel together, and let your concern be only for that which profits mankind, and betters the condition thereof, if you be of them that scan heedfully...
We behold it, in this day, at the mercy of rulers so drunk with pride that they cannot discern clearly their own best advantage, much less recognize a Revelation so bewildering and challenging as this...
That which the Lord has ordained as the sovereign remedy and mightiest instrument for the healing of all the world is the union of all its peoples in one universal Cause, one common Faith...


* O LEADERS of religion! Weigh not the Book of God with such standards and sciences as are current amongst you, for the Book itself is the unerring balance established amongst men...
The eye of My loving-kindness weeps sore over you, inasmuch as you have failed to recognize the One upon Whom you have been calling in the daytime and in the night season, at evening and at morning...

O leaders of religion! Who is the man amongst you that can rival Me in vision or insight?
Say :This, verily, is the heaven in which the Mother Book is treasured, could you but comprehend it..
We have not entered any school, nor read any of your dissertations. Incline your ears to the words of this unlettered One...

O CONCOURSE of divines! When My verses were sent down, and My clear tokens were revealed, We found you behind the veils.

O concourse of divines! Beware lest you be the cause of strife in the land, even as you were the cause of the repudiation of the Faith in its early days...
Tear the veils asunder in such wise that the inmates of the Kingdom will hear them being rent. This is the command of God...

O concourse of divines ! HOW long will you level the spears of hatred at the face of Baha? Rein in your pens...

Note : Have you noticed that the returned Christ, whose strange new name is Baha'u'llah, labels the religious teachers, those who call themselves priests and ministers, as the divines.

O CONCOURSE of divines! Can any one of you race with the Divine Youth in the arena of wisdom and utterance, or soar with Him into the heaven of inner meaning and explanation?
WHEN We observed carefully, We discovered that Our enemies are, for the most part, the divines...

O concourse of divines! Fling away idle fancies and imaginings, and turn, then, towards the Horizon of Certitude...

Say : O concourse of divines! Lay aside all your veils and coverings. Give ear unto that whereunto calls you the Most Sublime Pen, in this wondrous Day...
The world is laden with dust, by reason of your vain imaginings...

O You the dawning-places of knowledge! Beware that you suffer not yourselves to become changed, for as you change, most men will, likewise, change...
You are even as a spring. If it be changed, so will the streams that branch out from it be changed...

"O concourse of divines! Be fair, I adjure you by God, and nullify not the Truth with the things you possess. Peruse that which We have sent down with truth...
Those divines... who are truly adorned with the ornament of knowledge and of a goodly character are, verily, as a head to the body of the world, and as eyes to the nations...
The divine whose conduct is upright, and the sage who is just, are as the spirit unto the body of the world.
The divine who has seized and quaffed the most holy Wine, in the name of the sovereign Ordainer, is as an eye unto the world...
Great is the blessedness of that divine that has not allowed knowledge to become a veil between him and the One Who is the Object of all knowledge...

O CONCOURSE of divines! You shall not henceforth behold yourselves possessed of any power, inasmuch as We have seized it from you, and destined it for such as have believed in God...

Appeal to : POPE PIUS IX

O POPE! * Rend the veils asunder. He Who is the Lord of Lords is come overshadowed with clouds, and the decree has been fulfilled by God, the Almighty, the Unrestrained...
On His right hand flow the living waters of grace, and on His left the choice Wine of justice, while before Him march the angels of Paradise, bearing the banners of His signs...
Arise in the name of your Lord, the God of Mercy, amidst the peoples of the earth, and seize the Cup of Life with the hands of confidence...
Call to remembrance Him Who was the Spirit (Jesus), Who when He came, the most learned of His age pronounced judgment against Him in His own country...
Consider those who opposed the Son (Jesus), when He came unto them with sovereignty and power...
None save a very few, who were destitute of any power amongst men, turned towards His face...
The Word which the Son concealed is made manifest. It has been sent down in the form of the human temple in this day...
This is the day whereon the Rock (Peter) cried out and shouted, and celebrated the praise of its Lord, the All-Possessing, the Most High, saying: "Lo! The Father is come...

O Supreme Pontiff! Incline your ear unto that which the Fashioner of mouldering bones counsels you...
Thus has bidden you He Who is the Possessor of Names, on the part of your Lord, the Almighty, the all-Knowing...
Leave them unto such as desire them, and cleave unto that which has been enjoined upon you by Him Who is the Lord of creation...
Should the inebriation of the wine of My verses seize you, and you determine to present yourself before the throne of your Lord, the Creator of earth and heaven, make My love your vesture...
Verily, the day of ingathering is come, and all things have been separated from each other...


Of all the monarchs of the earth, at the time when Baha'u'llah, proclaiming His Message to them, revealed the Suriy-i-Muluk in Adrianople, the most august and influential were the French Emperor and the Supreme Pontiff. In the political and religious spheres they respectively held the foremost rank, and the humiliation both suffered was alike immediate and complete.

The Tablet of Baha'u'llah, addressed to Pius IX, precipitated its extinction. A hasty glance at the course of its ebbing fortunes, during those decades, will suffice. Napoleon I had driven the Pope from his estates. The Congress of Vienna had reestablished him as their head and their administration in the hands of the priests. Corruption, disorganization, impotence to ensure internal security, the restoration of the inquisition, had induced an historian to assert that "no land of Italy, perhaps of Europe, except Turkey, is ruled as is this ecclesiastical state." Rome was "a city of ruins, both material and moral." Insurrections led to Austria's intervention. Five great Powers demanded the introduction of far-reaching reforms, which the Pope promised but failed to carry out. Austria again reasserted herself, and was opposed by France. Both watched each other on the Papal estates until 1838, when, on their withdrawal, absolutism was again restored. The Pope's temporal power was now denounced by some of his own subjects, heralding its extinction in 1870. Internal complications forced him to flee, in the dead of night and in the disguise of a humble priest, from Rome which was declared a republic. It was later restored by the French to its former status. The creation of the kingdom of Italy, the shifting policy of Napoleon III, the disaster of Sedan, the misdeeds of the Papal government denounced by Clarendon, at the Congress of Paris, terminating the Crimean War, as a "disgrace to Europe," sealed the fate of that tottering dominion.

In 1870, after Baha'u'llah had revealed His Epistle to Pius IX, King Victor Emmanuel II went to war with the Papal states, and his troops entered Rome and seized it. On the eve of its seizure, the Pope repaired to the Lateran and, despite his age and with his face bathed in tears, ascended on bended knees the Scala Santa. The following morning, as the cannonade began, he ordered the white flag to be hoisted above the dome of St. Peter. Despoiled, he refused to recognize this "creation of revolution," excommunicated the invaders of his states, denounced Victor Emmanuel as the "robber King" and as "forgetful of every religious principle, despising every right, trampling upon every law." Rome, "the Eternal City, on which rest twenty-five centuries of glory," and over which the Popes had ruled in unchallengeable right for ten centuries, finally became the seat of the new kingdom, and the scene of that humiliation which Baha'u'llah had anticipated and which the Prisoner of the Vatican had imposed upon himself.

Note: The text labelled humiliation immediate and complete was written by the historian and guardian of God's new faith who was the returned Christ's great grandson Shogui Effendi.


At one time We address the people of the Torah and summon them unto Him Who is the Revealer of verses,...
At another, We address the people of the Evangel and say: "The All-Glorious is come in this Name whereby the Breeze of God has wafted over all regions."...
At still another, We address the people of the Koran saying : "Fear the All-Merciful, and cavil not at Him through Whom all religions were founded."...
We desire but the good of the world and the happiness of the nations; yet they deem Us a stirrer up of strife and sedition worthy of bondage and banishment....
Yet so it shall be; these fruitless strives, these ruinous wars shall pass away, and the `Most Great Peace' shall come....
Yet do We see your kings and rulers lavishing their treasures more freely on means for the destruction of the human race than on that which would conduce to the happiness of mankind....
Call out to Zion, O Carmel, and announce the joyful tidings: He that was hidden from mortal eyes is come!
The Most Great Law is come, and the Ancient Beauty rules upon the throne of David. Thus has My Pen spoken that which the histories of bygone ages have related.
At this time, however, David cried aloud and said : `O my loving Lord! Do number me with such as have stood steadfast in Your Cause,...
The Breath has been wafted, and the Breeze has blown, and from Zion has appeared that which was hidden,...
Lend an ear unto the song of David. He said : `Who will bring me into the Strong City?' The Strong City is Akka.
Peruse that which Isaiah has spoken in His Book. He said : `Get up into the high mountain, O Zion, that brings good tidings;...

O CONCOURSE of Christians! We have, on a previous occasion, revealed Our self unto you, and you recognized Me not...

O people of the Gospel! They who were not in the Kingdom have now entered it, while We behold you, in this day, tarrying at the gate...
We, verily, have come for your sakes, and have borne the misfortunes of the world for your salvation...
Open the doors of your hearts. He Who is the Spirit (Jesus) verily, stands before them...

O CONCOURSE of patriarchs! He Whom you were promised in the Tablets is come...

O CONCOURSE of archbishops! He Who is the Lord of all men has appeared...

O CONCOURSE of bishops!Trembling has seized all the kindreds of the earth, and He Who is the Everlasting Father calls aloud between earth and heaven...

O CONCOURSE of bishops! You are the stars of the heaven of My knowledge. My mercy desires not that you should fall upon the earth...
The stars of the heaven of knowledge have fallen, they that adduce the proofs they possess in order to demonstrate the truth of My Cause, and who make mention of God in My name...

O CONCOURSE of priests! Leave the bells, and come forth, then, from your churches...

O CONCOURSE of priests! The Day of Reckoning has appeared, the Day whereon He Who was in heaven has come...

O CONCOURSE of monks! Seclude not yourselves in churches and cloisters. Come forth by My leave, and occupy yourselves with that which will profit your souls and the souls of men...
His sanctity consists not in that which you believe or fancy, but rather in the things We possess...

O CONCOURSE of monks! If you choose to follow Me, I will make you heirs of My Kingdom;...
Bethlehem is astir with the Breeze of God. We hear her voice saying: `O most generous Lord! Where is Your great glory established?
Consider, likewise, how numerous at this time are the monks who have secluded themselves in their churches, in My name,...
Read you the Evangel and yet refuse to acknowledge the All-Glorious Lord? This indeed beseems you not, O concourse of learned men!...
Perused you not the Koran? Read it, that haply you may find the Truth, for this Book is verily the Straight Path...
Speed out of your sepulchre. How long will you sleep? The second blast has been blown on the trumpet. On whom are you gazing?
This is the Day whereon the All-Merciful has come down in the clouds of knowledge, clothed with manifest sovereignty. He well knows the actions of men...
Is there any doubt concerning God? Behold how He has come down from the heaven of His grace, girded with power and invested with sovereignty... By Him Who is the Great Announcement! The All-Merciful is come invested with undoubted sovereignty...
This is the Day whereon the earth shall tell out her tidings. The workers of iniquity are her burdens, could you but perceive it...
The earth has been shaken, and the mountains have passed away, and the angels have appeared, rank on rank, before Us...
Say : The heavens have been folded together, and the earth is held within His grasp, and the corrupt doers have been held by their forelock, and still they understand not...

O CONCOURSE of Persian divines! In My name you have seized the reins of men, and occupy the seats of honour by reason of your relation to Me...

O you divines of the City! We came to you with the truth, while you were heedless of it....
Because of you the Apostle (Muhammad) lamented, and the Chaste One (Fatimih) cried out, and the countries were laid waste, and darkness fell upon all regions.

O concourse of divines! Because of you the people were abased, and the banner of Islam was hauled down, and its mighty throne subverted...
Of all the peoples of the world, they that have suffered the greatest loss have been, and are still, the people of Persia...
In this day the world is redolent with the fragrances of the robe of the Revelation of the Ancient King

O CONCOURSE of divines!... Lay aside that which you possess, and hold your peace, and give ear, then, unto that which the Tongue of Grandeur and Majesty speaks...

God, speaking through His mouthpiece who is Baha'u'llah, also said: "Walk not in the footsteps of every divine that has gone astray."

God, naming the religious teachers as divines is a warning for us to beware of what they teach us. In other tablets we are also told that the divines, who are the religious teachers, have led people astray age after age, one religion following another religion. In other words, they have led us astray in all eras by giving us wrong Biblical interpretations, which they may strongly believe to be true but which we are told are false. It is interesting to note that, in this new Revelation from God, we have also been told that if the religious teachers had asked God for the proper biblical interpretations, He would have given it to them. It is not a flattering message concerning religious teachers who claim to be teaching the truth, is it?

O HIGH priests!Ears have been given you that they may hearken unto the mystery of Him Who is the Self-Dependent, and eyes that they may behold Him. Wherefore flee you?
Whatsoever has been announced in the Books has been revealed and made clear. From every direction the signs have been manifested...
This is not the day whereon the high priests can command and exercise their authority. In your Book it is stated that the high priests will, on that Day, lead men far astray, and will prevent them from drawing near unto Him...

O HIGH priests! The Hand of Omnipotence is stretched forth from behind the clouds; behold it with new eyes...

Say, O high priests! You are held in reverence because of My Name, and yet you flee Me!

Say, O high priests! No man's acts shall be acceptable, in this Day, unless he forsakes mankind and all that men possess, and setts his face towards the Omnipotent One.


THE time fore-ordained unto the peoples and kindreds of the earth is now come. The promises of God, as recorded in the holy Scriptures, have all been fulfilled. Out of Zion has gone forth the Law of God, and Jerusalem, ...

VERILY I say, this is the Day in which mankind can behold the Face, and hear the Voice, of the Promised One...

Great indeed is this Day! The allusions made to it in all the sacred Scriptures as the Day of God attest its greatness. The soul of every Prophet of God, of every Divine Messenger, has thirsted for this wondrous Day...

O you that has remembered Me! The most grievous veil has shut out the peoples of the earth from His glory, and hindered them from hearkening to His call...

O YOU children of men! The fundamental purpose animating the Faith of God and His Religion is to safeguard the interests and promote the unity of the human race, and to foster the spirit of love and fellowship amongst men...

O CONTENDING peoples and kindreds of the earth! Set your faces towards unity, and let the radiance of its light shine upon you...
The Great Being, wishing to reveal the prerequisites of the peace and tranquillity of the world and the advancement of its peoples, has written : The time must come when the imperative necessity for the holding of a vast, an all-embracing assemblage of men will be universally realized...
The All-Knowing Physician has His finger on the pulse of mankind. He perceives the disease, and prescribes, in His unerring wisdom, the remedy...
We can well perceive how the whole human race is encompassed with great incalculable afflictions...
Incline your ears to the sweet melody of this Prisoner. Arise, and lift up your voices, that haply they that are fast asleep may be awakened...

O PEOPLES of the earth! God, the Eternal Truth, is My witness that streams of fresh and soft-flowing waters have gushed from the rocks...
Know from what heights your Lord, the All-Glorious is calling? Think that you have recognized the Pen wherewith your Lord, the Lord of all names, commands you?
Nay, by My life! Did you but know it, you would renounce the world, and would hasten with your whole hearts to the presence of the Well-Beloved...
Thus have the showers of My bounty been poured down from the heaven of My loving-kindness, as a token of My grace; that you may be of the thankful....
Beware lest the desires of the flesh and of a corrupt inclination provoke divisions among you...
Consider the mercy of God and His gifts. He enjoins upon you that which shall profit you, though He Himself can well dispense with all creatures...
We summon you wholly for the sake of God. To this every man of understanding and insight will testify.
The world's equilibrium has been upset through the vibrating influence of this most great, this new World Order...
Immerse yourselves in the ocean of My words, that you may unravel its secrets, and discover all the pearls of wisdom that lie hid in its depths...
Say : This is the infallible Balance which the Hand of God is holding, in which all who are in the heavens and all who are on the earth are weighed,..

O YOU peoples of the world! Know assuredly that My commandments are the lamps of My loving providence among My servants, and the keys of My mercy for My creatures...
From My laws the sweet smelling savour of My garment can be smelled, and by their aid the standards of victory will be planted upon the highest peaks...
Think not that We have revealed unto you a mere code of laws. Nay, rather, We have unsealed the choice Wine with the fingers of might and power...
Whenever My laws appear like the sun in the heaven of My utterance, they must be faithfully obeyed by all,..
To this He Who is the Lord of all creation bears Me witness...
This is the Day in which God's most excellent favours have been poured out upon men, the Day in which His most mighty grace has been infused into all created things...
Happy are those whom the all-glorious Pen was moved to remember, and blessed are those men whose names, by virtue of Our inscrutable decree, We have preferred to conceal.
Beseech the one true God to grant that all men may be graciously assisted to fulfil that which is acceptable in Our sight...


This small presentation is only a part of those writings. More than a hundred volumes were originally written by the returned Christ. However, we are told that He personally destroyed many of them. He has told us that humanity was not yet ready to understand the information which some of those writings contained. It would seem that we are still too primitive and still too attached to older teachings. We obviously lack the will to do a good investigation of the truth and to accept that truth as given to us through God's new Messenger, the returned Christ whose strange name we have discovered to be Baha'u'llah, which means the Glory of God in English.


Did you enjoy reading some writings which were written by the hand and the pen of the returned Christ and translated into English by a well know writer, His great grandson. The Proclamation to the world, whereby He wrote to the leaders of various states of the world, including America, and to many religious leaders including the Pope himself.

This new divine Messenger was made to suffer greatly during His stay on earth. He was given great opposition, especially by the Moslem religious circle, by the government of Persia and the Ottoman Empire.

Christ returned exactly as promised in various prophecies. He gave the world new teachings which descended from God, it is the new Jerusalem that has descended from God out of paradise so that they could illumine the people of this world. These writings may be hard to accept by the majority of the people of this world but the truth is always the truth no matter how you look at it, you are all capable of discovering it if you so desire. The return of Christ has been a well fulfilled prophecy since 1853.

When a new Messenger from God brings new teachings to humanity they form the base of a new religion that the majority of the people of this world still do not want to investigate or accept. The reason being : the people of this world have become too attached to their old family religion and to the way that it is taught to them, so a new religion containing new teachings are out of the question for them. That new religion, which the returned Christ has brought to us, is the Baha'i religion. Check it out, what have you got to lose. You will most certainly be surprised of your findings. You will also discover that many wonderful events have been prophesied for our future.

How can anyone discover the new if they remain attached to the old and to the outdated? Nobody is asking you to join a new movement or a new world religion but why not investigate the new teachings descended from God?

New knowledge has descended from the heavenly world. Why is it that the new information does not seem to be appealing to the people of our planet? Don't you want to get a glimpse of the future? Do you not want to know what this planet may be like in days to come?

The following presentation explains the purpose of the one true God in manifesting Himself to the world that He Has created...

Mystical pearls - Divine elixir