All of the presentations pertaining to the unsealing of the writings of Revelation may be accessed from this page. As you will soon notice, many of its chapters do not follow one another. They have been re-arranged in an easier to follow format so that the reader can follow the apocalyptic events with as little confusion as possible.
Prelude to
Revelation unsealed
John begins to describe his visions of Revelation
The mysterious scroll is opened
The last three trumpets resound, the first of three woes begin
The two witnesses, the two prophets
The last two trumpets, the second and third woe begin
The beast with seven heads and ten horns
God's judgment on the great whore, the fall of the great Babylon
The wedding supper of the Lamb
1 000 years of peace - The golden era
God's new religion is like priceless pearls
The four angels - God's servants are implanted with an heavenly seal
The seven bowls full of God's wrath
Predictions concerning the end time
The promised day is come - part 1
The promised day is come - part 2
The promised day is come - part 3